Our services,
our expertise.
Nos designers sont expert·e·s dans le design de l'expérience de vos services : pour vous accompagner, nous conjuguons des savoir-faire créatifs et techniques de pointe en matière de design de services numériques avec une capacité de design stratégique.
Explore service opportunities
You need to explore new growth opportunities, or to improve certain aspects of your service that lack user-centricity?
Pionniers du design de service, nous vous accompagnons de bout en bout.
Redesign a digital service
You need to design new features, or go all the way and revamp your whole digital service?
UX/UI/digital service designers, nous vous accompagnons de la page blanche jusqu'à l'App Store.
A few examples
Our services combine in a variety of forms, involving a wide range of approaches and are tailored to each project & client.
We carry out innovative, user centric projects, seeing them through from A to Z.
We helped the French transport authority (RATP) to define the value of its main interactive passenger information service for the RER A train line - designing the user experience and the concept, the screen kinematics, prototyping it in the target technology and finally overseeing its development.
We audit and redesign critical business tools.
We assisted Idex - a supplier of heating and cooling for buildings, districts and even cities - in analysing issues linked to the use of one of its operators’ most crucial maintenance tools, and by redesigning its UX & UI completely.
We redesign complete service architectures.
We worked alongside their integrated innovation laboratory, within a particularly confined space and budget, to re-invent the reception area of the geriatric outpatient clinic at CHU Strasbourg.
We mentor teams as they pursue ongoing projects.
We supported the French Red Cross in co-designing a dashboard for its 59,000 volunteers to give them an overview of their activities, and enabled them with the skills to maintain and develop the tool.