Champagne-Ardenne Region – Labo en Champagne

Design for public policy

In short

In 2011, the 27th Region, a long-standing client of the agency, contacted us to entrust us with a very unusual assignment for designers: to design the Champagne-Ardenne Region's innovation lab, a task never before undertaken in France. Intrigued and motivated by our past experiences in regional innovation, notably in Orléans with Lyonnaise des Eaux, we took the plunge. After ten weeks of on-site work, hundreds of hours of creative workshops, analysis of the area, sensitisation to design approaches and logo design, the lab was born.

  • 43 689 young beneficiaries of the Lycéo project
  • 22%+ increase in service use
  • 96 approved cultural partners


In order to design its new public policies, the Champagne-Ardenne Region wanted to draw greater inspiration from citizens’ needs and uses so they set up a large ecosystem: elected officials, agents and directors of the Regional Council's operational departments, CESER \[Economic, Social and Environmental Council], associations that are members of the CRAJEP \[Regional Committee of Youth and Popular Education Associations], high schools, cultural facilities.


  1. 1User interviews
  2. 2Co-creation workshop
  3. 3Ideation
  4. 4Detailed concepts

Our involvment

For three years, we coordinated a multidisciplinary team of a dozen experts: journalists, designers, workspace consultants, educational engineering experts, popular education stakeholders, etc. Our team used a design approach to move from the creation of new public services with their users to the creation of a fully-fledged regional innovation lab. Then we consolidated the organisational model that would enable this new service to achieve its innovation objectives over time.