In short
Thanks to marine animal tracking, we can now see how species move in time and space! This data was provided by several institutes around the world and collected by us for the National Science Education Centre in Taiwan. The aim of the biotope space is to present biodiversity as a whole, even when it is difficult to stuff...

We then thought of and developed an interface for children and adults to visualise the animals' trajectories and compare their ability to travel for miles! Who is the greatest traveller? A playful approach to captivate children and teach them how many miles.

- 1Reflection and decision making on the function/form/technology ticket of the exhibition
- 2Ideation on the three main installations of the exhibition
- 3Further development of concepts
- 4Technical tests
- 5UI screens design
Item 3 of 4
Our involvment
We designed the interaction between the visitor and each of the installations to make the visiting experience unique. We chose a transversal approach for the design of the interactions as it allowed us to gain coherence and optimise the sums invested and the time allocated.\ We created digital elements combining data and biology such as a real-time dataviz of the movement of whales or a counter recording the number of species on Earth.