Caisse des Dépôts et consignations – Sketch application

Supporting young people in their career development

    In short

    Caisse des Dépôts has launched a co-construction process with a community of students from BAC-3 to BAC+3, on the topic of career guidance. We developed a POC (proof of concept) of a digital platform to help young people with this challenge, by going out to meet them to understand their experiences and needs.


    Career guidance and entry into the labour market can be a great source of stress and uncertainty for high school students. To support these young people in this crucial stage of their lives, the Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations wanted to explore, together with 25 people aged 14 to 24, the concepts to be deployed to guide, discover and explore training courses or professions that match the user's circumstances and aspirations. The short experimentation period was intended to convince the Caisse des Dépôts to invest.


    1. 1User research
    2. 2Definition of visions
    3. 3Formalising the service
    4. 4Tree structure
    5. 5Interactive prototyping

    Our involvment

    To enable decision-makers to visualise the concept, we delivered a clickable prototype - a demonstrator - with the service's key screens. To make the POC credible, we went as far as building a visual identity, navigation behaviours and writing content. It was then possible to navigate the application as if it had been developed: the user could enter his or her profile, watch video interviews with professionals or consult job descriptions.